Membership Cancellation

How to cancel your Do Better Collective Trail Blazer membership

Note: In order to ensure that you will not be charged for your next automatic payment, cancellation requests must be made at least 48 hours prior to your next billing date.

Yearly Memberships: Once logged in, please go here ( to cancel your Do Better Collective membership subscription(s).

Yearly, Pay Monthly Memberships: This type of membership is for customers who prefer to space out their membership subscription payment over a year - please note this membership still requires an annual agreement. You can cancel your membership after your 12 month agreement, but if you do not cancel your membership, your credit card will continued to be charged monthly until cancelled. If you cancel your membership before you have satisfied the yearly agreement, your membership will be set to cancel at the end of your yearly agreement.  If you require cancellation of your membership, please log in and go to your account ( and fill out a request.

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