What's the best way to engage within this community?

Join our community!


  1. Go to "my groups" on the left hand menu
  2. Choose "MasterMind" Groups
  3. Click on "subgroups"
  4. Look at Group Titles and Descriptions and click "join group" any groups of interest to you


  1. Go to "my groups" on the left hand menu
  2. Choose one of the group options: Mastermind, Live Events, #dobetter Community, or Courses
  3. If you are in the Mastermind or Live Events, enter a subgroup of interest
  4. Click "Discussions" 
  5. Click on a Sub Forum topic area of interest 
  6. Participate in one of the ongoing discussion threads or start your own! 
  7. Subscribe to any discussions you would like to follow or engage in

*Don't see a category that fits what you want to to ask about? --> Start a new discussion in the most relevant group

*Want to start a new Sub Forum in a group? --> Post your idea in the "feed" section of the group or message the group organizer


Trail Blazers and Influencers have exclusive access to join Live events via Zoom. Hop in to these events to join the conversation live! There are 2 ways to access Live events:


1. Go to "my groups" on the left hand menu

2. Go to "Live Events" Group

3. Go to "subgroups"

4. Choose the subgroup for the Live Event category that you are trying to access

5. Click on "zoom"

6. You will see the schedule of Zoom events and can click the link to join the Zoom event when it is live 


1. Go to "Dashboard" on the left hand menu

2. Scroll down to the "latest community activity" section

3. Any Live events that are happening that day will populate here and/or you will see a discussion thread started about the event 

Announcements will also be made in the #dobetter Community Announcements Sub Forum when Live Events are occurring.

👆 You’re all caught up